Parents/Carers – Do i need to involve our therapist or can we buy direct ?

It is always wise to involve a healthcare professional whilst deliberating a purchasing decision, however, if the right equipment has been established with your therapist and if there is a lack of availability and you wish to make a private purchase – Ability Healthcare can supply you direct. This is something you may wish to consider if waiting lists for equipment are long, or if only very old loan equipment is available. Talk to your therapist about the best way forward. Similarly if you are looking to purchase a piece of equipment for home to mirror the equipment your child uses at school; Ability Healthcare can trace the original equipment serial number to match the original specification and quote accordingly.

If your therapist has suggested a tricycle for your child, you may wish to involve your therapist in the buying decision or not. Ability Healthcare and ISKOMED has a great deal of clinical experience and has supplied thousands of tricycles to children and families. ISKOMED orthotic heritage; means that we assess tricycles with posture and symmetry at the forefront of our minds. If a Physiotherapist is not available at the time of assessment, we can also provide video for you so that you can obtain their input before buying.